Hello, in this content, it will be explained how you can use Localtonet. What is required for first use and how to do it.
- Windows
64-Bit, 32-Bit, ARM, ARM-64 Download and Install the version that suits you.
Paste the AuthToken on the screen that opens after starting the application.
- Linux
wget https://localtonet.com/download/localtonet-linux-x64.zip
unzip localtonet-linux-x64.zip
chmod 777 ./localtonet
./localtonet authtoken PASTE_HERE_COPIED_AUTHTOKEN
- Mac
curl https://localtonet.com/download/localtonet-osx-64.zip -o osx-64.zip
unzip osx-64.zip
sudo chmod +x localtonet
open localtonet
- Virtual Machine (Docker)
docker pull localtonet/localtonet
docker run localtonet/localtonet authtoken PASTE_HERE_COPIED_AUTHTOKEN
- Mobile (Android)
You can download from Google Play or APK
Paste the AuthToken on the screen that opens after starting the application.